By using our services, you agree to follow our community guidelines. You agree that you will not:

  • Use false or misleading information to register on our app.
  • Share, list, post or advertise any kind of content that is racist, threating, harmful, abusive, or misleading to an individual or the society on and off the app.
  • Share, list, post or advertise any nudity, sexual content, anything that promotes or provokes violence, or anything that is harmful for an individual, community or society on and off the app.
  • Be rude or offensive towards any member or user.
  • Harass, threaten, defame, or insult any user or member.
  • Use the service to damage the service or copy it.
  • Use the service to spam or spy on members.
  • Not promote gambling, drugs, alcohol, pornography, prostitution, and weapons.